Member-only story
Tempus Fugit Durius TryHackme Writeup
This is a Writeup of Tryhackme room “Tempus Fugit Durius”
Room link:
Note: This room is for Premium Members Only. who purchased THM premium membership.
Task 1 Harder
Tempus Fugit is a Latin phrase that roughly translated as “time flies”.
Durius is also latin and means “harder”.
This is a remake of Tempus Fugit 1. A bit harder and different from the first one. It is an intermediate/hard, real life box.
Let’s start with our nmap scan first:
As we can see from our output, we have 4 ports open: 22, 80, 111 and lastly 51947. Let’s start to enumerate the HTTP service:
The “Upload” link on the top of the page looks interesting. Let’s navigate on that one: