Member-only story
Upload Vulnerabilities TryHackme Writeup
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Note: This room is for Premium Members Only. who purchased THM premium membership.
Tutorial room exploring some basic file-upload vulnerabilities in websites. First up, let’s deploy the machine to give it a few minutes to boot. TryHackMe Upload Vulnerabilities with MIME and Magic Number Attack
This skills to be tested and needed to solve the final task of this walkthrough room are: reverse shell, Burp Suite, upload vulnerability, and client-side bypass extension filtering.
First up, let’s deploy the machine to give it a few minutes to boot.
Once you’ve clicked deploy, you’ll need to configure your own computer to be able to connect.
(Note: This is an abnormal step for a TryHackMe machine, but must be completed in order to access the practical content of this room)
If you’ve successfully deployed the machine then the following commands will already have the IP address filled in. If any of them have “MACHINE_IP” in them, then you still need to deploy the machine, and the following instructions will not work.
Task 1 Getting Started
If you’re using Linux or MacOS, open up a terminal and type in the following…