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Zero Logon TryHackme Writeup
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Zero Logon — The Zero Day Angle
About The vulnerability -
On September 14, Secura released a whitepaper for CVE-2020–1472, that allowed an attacker to go from Zero to Domain Admin in approximately one minute. They dubbed this vulnerability Zero Logon.
Zero Logon is a purely statistics based attack that abuses a feature within MS-NRPC (Microsoft NetLogon Remote Protocol), MS-NRPC is a critical authentication component of Active Directory that handles authentication for User and Machine accounts. In short — the attack mainly focuses on a poor implementation of Cryptography. To be more specific, Microsoft chose to use AES-CFB8 for a function called ComputeNetlogonCredential, which is normally fine, except they had hard coded the Initialization Vector to use all zeros instead of a random string. When an attacker sends a message only containing zeros with the IV of zero, there is a 1-in-256 chance that the Ciphertext will be Zero.
But how is that useful to us? We’ll touch on that note in the following sections.
About Machine Accounts -